
This site, noelsinfohub.com is made for educational purpose only. The people behind this site aims to provide accurate lyrics for praise and worship songs. Praise and worship is widespread worldwide, and some people are not native English speakers, we wanted to make a site that can help everyone be able to sing the beautiful praise and worship songs that are being released today, native speakers and to those who are not.

It gives us tremendous joy to know that our site is being used as an instrument for people to be able to sing-along to their favorite praise and worship songs.

We do not claim ownership of any songs nor its lyrics. All credits go to the artist, label, composers, producers and everyone who are involved in the production of the song. If you want us to take down one of your songs, we ask that you kindly contact us first and we will take it down as soon as possible. We are not some big company, we are just a group of friends who share the same passion. You may contact usĀ here

About Monetization

You may see some advertisements on our site, as you know, creating and managing a website takes time, maintaining the servers also costs money. We also need the fund to be able to further develop this site so that our users will be able to browse the more easily.

What we don’t do

We do not host any illegal materials that will otherwise violate copyright of the respective artists. If music is present into our site, it will be done so by embedding Youtube videos or Spotify playlists.

We do not and never will host any form of music or files that belongs to any artist, whether major artist or independent artist.

We do not claim ownership of the Featured images used throughout this website.