Dry Bones Song Review

“Dry bones are rising!”

This line echoes the theme of resurrection and renewal. In Ezekiel 37:1-14, the prophet Ezekiel has a vision of a valley of dry bones, which God uses as a metaphor for the restoration of Israel.

“The word of the Lord to Ezekiel the prophet, Son of man, can these bones live again?”

This directly references Ezekiel 37:3, where God asks Ezekiel if the dry bones can live again. It’s a test of faith and a demonstration of God’s power to bring life to what was once dead.

“Oh dry bones, thus saith the Lord, this day you are covered with flesh”

This parallels Ezekiel 37:6, where God commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, and they come together, covered with flesh, sinews, and skin.

“Ay ay ay ay…”

This could be interpreted as a joyful expression of witnessing the miraculous transformation of the dry bones into living beings, reminiscent of the awe and wonder felt in the presence of God’s power.

“Suddenly there was a shaking and noise, bone came back to bone, all covered in flesh, yes, dry bones live again”

This reflects Ezekiel 37:7-10, where Ezekiel prophesies as commanded, and the bones come together, are covered with flesh, and receive breath to become a vast army.

“Dry bones shall rise again, impossibilities become possible”

This is a declaration of faith in the power of God to bring about resurrection and transformation, even in situations that seem impossible. It echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

“The word of the Lord to Abbey the prophet, Son of man, can these bones live again?”

This extends the message of hope and restoration beyond Ezekiel to others, emphasizing that God’s power is not limited to a single individual but is available to all who have faith.

“My son can live again, my business can peak again, finances can move again, nations can rise again because dry bones live again”

This speaks to the broader application of God’s power to bring about renewal and restoration in various aspects of life, not just physical resurrection but also in relationships, finances, and nations.

“Dry bones are rising up now”

This reaffirms the ongoing nature of God’s work of resurrection and renewal, emphasizing that it is not just a one-time event but a continuous process.

“Suddenly there was a shaking and noise, bone came back to bone, all covered in flesh, yes, dry bones live again”

This repeats the earlier description of the miraculous transformation, emphasizing the immediacy and power of God’s intervention.

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